Things to do before the end of summer


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As the summer winds down, it’s a good time to take care of some important tasks around the house. If you’ve recently moved into a new home, making sure everything is in order before the cooler months arrive can save you time and trouble later. From checking your HVAC system to preparing your outdoor spaces, there are a few things to do before the end of summer to ensure your home is ready for the change in seasons.

Inspect and clean gutters

Before the end of summer, it’s essential to inspect and clean your gutters. Clogged gutters can lead to water damage, which can be costly to repair. In case you don’t know where to start, here’s a short list:

  1. Remove debris. Use gloves and a gutter scoop to remove leaves, twigs, and other debris.
  2. Check for leaks. After cleaning, run water through the gutters to check for leaks or misaligned sections.
  3. Secure loose gutters. Tighten any loose screws or brackets to ensure the gutters are securely attached.
  4. Install gutter guards. Consider adding guards to prevent future clogs.

Regular maintenance now will save you from dealing with water damage later, ensuring your gutters function properly through the fall and winter months.

an old-looking house with several metal gutters on its exterior
Get your gutters in proper shape before more downfall hits them.

Check and service the HVAC system

Before the end of summer, you must ensure your HVAC system is in good shape. One of the common mistakes new residents make, according to what local DC movers have seen, is forgetting to service their HVAC systems before the weather changes. Start by replacing the air filters, as clogged filters can reduce efficiency and strain the system. It’s also a good idea to check that all vents are clear and that the outdoor unit is free of debris. If you notice any unusual noises or reduced airflow, it might be time to call a professional for a thorough inspection. Taking care of your HVAC system now can help prevent costly repairs and ensure your home stays comfortable when the cooler weather arrives.

One of the things to do before the end of summer is to examine and seal windows and doors

As summer ends, it’s a smart idea to check your windows and doors for drafts. Even small gaps can let in cold air, making your home less energy-efficient and raising your heating bills. Moving companies DC area provides often suggest this task to new homeowners, as sealing gaps is an easy way to improve comfort and save money. Start by feeling around the edges of your windows and doors for drafts, and look for any visible cracks or gaps. You can use weatherstripping or caulk to seal these areas and keep your home well-insulated. By taking care of this now, you’ll be prepared for the cooler months ahead and enjoy a more comfortable, efficient home.

Maintain your lawn and garden

As summer ends, it’s time to prepare your lawn and garden for the upcoming cooler months. Here’s a checklist to keep your outdoor spaces healthy:

  • Aerate the lawn. Aerating helps improve soil drainage and promotes healthy root growth.
  • Fertilize. Apply a slow-release fertilizer to strengthen your lawn before winter.
  • Prune trees and shrubs. Trim back any overgrown branches to prevent damage during storms.
  • Clear garden beds. Remove dead plants and debris to prevent pests and diseases from taking hold.

These tasks will help ensure your lawn and garden come back strong in the spring, keeping your outdoor spaces looking their best.

an amazing lawn surrounding a lovely house
Take care of your lawn and flowers before the cold arrives.

Clean and store outdoor furniture

As summer comes to a close, one of the things to do before the end of summer is to clean and store your outdoor furniture. This helps extend its lifespan and keeps it in good condition for next year. DC apartment movers often remind clients to take care of outdoor items before colder weather sets in. Start by wiping down chairs, tables, and cushions with a mild soap and water solution to remove dirt and grime. Allow everything to dry completely to prevent mold and mildew. For metal furniture, check for rust and treat any spots to avoid further damage. Once everything is clean, store cushions indoors and cover furniture to protect it from the elements. Taking these simple steps now will save you from having to replace items unnecessarily and ensure your outdoor space is ready for the next season.

Inspect and repair the roof

As summer winds down, it’s a good time to inspect your roof for any signs of damage. The moving services DC companies provide often include advice on home maintenance, and they frequently emphasize the importance of roof inspections. Look for loose or missing shingles, cracked flashing, or any signs of water damage inside your attic. If you spot anything concerning, consider hiring a professional to make necessary repairs. Small issues like a loose shingle can quickly turn into costly leaks if left unchecked. By taking care of roof maintenance now, you’ll protect your home from potential damage and ensure it stays dry and secure throughout the year.

Prepare the deck and patio

As summer wraps up, take some time to prepare your deck and patio. Unless you already know it, these are the steps you should take:

  1. Clean the surface. Sweep and wash the deck or patio to remove dirt, leaves, and debris.
  2. Check for damage. Look for cracks, splinters, or loose boards and make repairs as needed.
  3. Seal the deck. Apply a waterproof sealant to protect the wood from moisture and prevent rot.
  4. Store furniture. Move outdoor furniture to a covered area or store it indoors to protect it from harsh weather.
two chairs on a stunning patio with an amazing view
One of the things to do before the end of summer is to take care of the cracks in your patio.

Wrap up summer with smart home maintenance

In essence, these are the things to do before the end of summer if you want to keep your home in great shape. Choosing to spend a little time now on things like inspecting your roof, cleaning your gutters, and preparing your lawn, will enable you to set yourself up for a smoother transition into the fall and winter months. It’s all about making sure your home stays comfortable, efficient, and ready for whatever comes next.

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